Dr. Swarnamali Seneviratne

Linguist / Teacher / Musician

Most Recent Position in Education: Head of Department - English/LOTE

Lecturer-T/A ED. Courses

My Dedication

English/ Music Academy


All things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else. - Lord Buddha

 In Perth WA   

March 2009








Me in Perth - April 2010

In Melbourne - March 2010





With the Centenary Medal - 2003



 Australian Music & English Academy



Swarnamali Music School - Perth/Melbourne Darwin


Founder/President/Public Officer 

Australian Multicultural Arts & Welfare Association Inc


About Me

I have worked as a teacher of English and English Literature for several years in High Schools across Western Australia, Melbourne and the NT. It is interesting to note that studying Literature also encourages students to effectively read and understand, sophisticated literature in their own disciplines. As a teacher, it is also exhilarating to see Year 12 students I've taught, rank at the top of the scale of placement exams, Uni Entrance etc...

English Literature is a subject that challenges students to read and interpret a wide range of imaginative works ranging from Shakespeare to John Donne, Margaret Atwood to our own Aussie writer, Tim Winton, Keats, Shelley, Achebe ...... A well balanced  Literature course invites students to explore a variety of genres and literary periods and to respond purposefully to the literature they encounter. On a daily basis, as their teacher, I enjoy  directing my Lit students to read critically, think clearly, and respond to their texts with perception, and write concisely. By the end of the course, as their Lit teacher, I feel rewarded if I have been able to see that my students have cultivated a rich understanding of literary works and acquired a set of analytical skills they will use throughout their lives.

 To teach and guide students along to face competitive public exams involves a great deal of commitment & hard work, yet it is highly rewarding and exciting to feel that I, as their tutor of English Literature, have  given them , the key that unlocks the treasure troves of other cultures.

I have also been a lecturer in ESL/ Linguistics/and a teacher of piano and violin music and voice at several institutions in Perth, Melbourne and Darwin. With my linguistics, I have a background in phonetics, phonology and ESL pronunciation and intercultural oral communication. With my music, I have a western classical music background and qualifications as well as a strong interest in social music and community music relating to many countries. I have a research interest in discourse analysis, ESL pronunciation and intercultural oral communication as well as the history of musical instruments.

Family Portrait March 2009

It has always given me great pleasure to teach the workings of human language in all its various forms to my students, young and old and make them realise how it leads one to an awareness of the relationship between language, culture and social identity.




My life - A synopsis 

  • I had a flair for music from a young age.
  • Born to and raised in a musical family, I learnt music from the age of 3 and enjoyed playing the  piano and the violin. My passion for  music led me  to the acquisition of qualifications in music from the Royal College of Music in London and later, from Monash University in Australia.
  • I have always enjoyed teaching music to people of all ages and different walks of life. I ran my own Music School in Melbourne for  ten years from 1989 and then continued  the Swarnamali  Music School in Darwin -2001, which was attended by numerous children and adults for weekly singing, piano and keyboard lessons until I left for Western Australia on work  in January, 2003.I have continued my Music School in Perth & also opened [ in 2005]the Australian Music & English Academy.
    Served as Head of English - Dept Ed- WA
  • I also had a knack for picking up languages and became very interested in linguistics as a subject from early days. I learnt French, German, Hindi and a little Indonesian.

  • As a firm believer in multiculturalism and a promoter of multicultural arts, I saw the need for an Association to open the doors to cultural performers within the Darwin Community. As a result, I founded the Australian Multicultural Arts and Welfare Association Inc. (in the Northern Territory) in April 2002, to promote multicultural arts and direct funds of multicultural performances towards charities. 
  • My devotion to music and my innate passion to serve the community through music, motivated me to organise and direct various charity concerts in Australia to help people/organisations that needed care, financial support and resources in Sri Lanka, Australia and  universal Bodies like the Red Cross.  


My E- mail


Work background in brief

  • Worked as Journalist for a leading English Newspaper in Sri Lanka, was a freelance journalist, Information Officer for the USSR Embassy, Publicity Officer for UNESCO/Sri Lanka Cultural Triangle, as well as an English Lecturer at University and in several English Language Learning Centres in Colombo.
  • After I got married in Colombo and migrated to Australia, I worked as Secondary teacher of English, French, ESL and Social Science at various schools in Melbourne and as ESL Teacher at Adult Migrant Education Programs in Victoria; served as VOC. ED lecturer at the Dandenong TAFE and as English Language Educator at the RMIT University.
  • In 1999, moved to the NT as Music /SOSE  teacher on invitation by the NT Ed.Dept. Also worked as English Lecturer at Darwin Uni.
    Currently researching for the Doctor of Teaching Linguistics.
Educational Qualifications
Degree in Humanities

Piano/ Theory/ Violin performance

TEFOL   .                      

PG/Dip of Applied Linguistics  

PG/Dip of English Literature 

PG/Dip. Music                     

PG/Dip. Education                

MA Prelim - Media Studies  

Master of English         

Master of Applied Linguistics

Currently reading for Doctor of Teaching Linguistics                    

Doctor of English Literature

University of Sri Lanka

Royal College of Music, London

 Polytechnic of Central London 

 Melbourne University, Australia

Monash University, Australia 

Monash University Australia

Monash University- Australia

La Trobe University - Australia 

Monash University- Australia 

Northern Territory University Australia

Northern Territory University Australia



My Graduation photos





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